Sebab, Akibat Dan Tanda Penggunaan Dadah Peranan Agensi-Agensi Pelaksana Anti Dadah
"Drunkards and drug
addicts lose their human dignity, sense of reasoning and ruin themselves physically and
"Those who are used to drugs lose their
moral shame and their fear and are persuaded to violate the peace and happiness of
others". Pendapat Buddha tentang dadah boleh dilihat dari kata-kata Mahaguru Buddha dalam "Manggala Sutta": "To cease and abstain from evil
forbearance with respect to intoxicants, and steadfastness in virtue. This is the highest
blessing". Dalam Parabhava Sutta, Buddha berkata: "He who is addicted to women, to
liquor/drugs, to gambling, and sqwuanders whatever he earns. This is the cvause of
downfall. " "There are six channels for dissipating wealth which a lay Buddhist must avoid. There are:-
Daripada kata-kata Buddha ini menunjukkan pendirian agama Buddha terhadap dadah itu, satu daripada enam cara yang menghabiskan kekayaan ialah ketagihan dadah. |